Monday, October 28, 2013

Volume 1, Issue 2

Cliff Notes Contributors:
  • Cliff- “Musings from the Mascot”
  • Haley Akl-“Don’t Be Like that!”
  • Jonathan Akl-“Exploring the Evidence”
  • Justin and Marcus Rivera-“Great Moments in History”
  • Noel Rivera-“What’s Cookin’?”
  • Shayna Sengstock-“Shayna says…”
  • Annisa Worrell-“Good Sports”
  • Brianna Pratnicki-Staff Photographer
  • Ben Bryant-Asst. Photographer, also, “The Adventures of Mr. Bones”
Musings from the Mascot 

I have been thinking about our school motto— “Faith-Character-Wisdom” — and what it means to me.

My Creator gave me excellent eyesight.  I can see forward and to the side at the same time. I can also see a delicious fish (in the water) from several hundred feet above the water—an amazing feat when you consider most fish are darker on top and thus harder to see from above. Also, eagles—like all birds—can see in color. What a beautiful world I see from up here!

Now this brings me to the first word of our motto, “Faith.” I think about the awesome care and intelligence that went into my creating!  And I am only one of the thousands of species of birds out there!  Yet, my great Creator knew exactly what I would need to survive.
Most people don’t know this but eagles are strong swimmers as well. God knew I would need this skill so He wisely gave me the knowledge and the ability to dive into the water and swim for a while if need be.  (How would you like to be just swimming along in a lake one day and turn around and see me swimming after you? Yipes!)

When I fall in love it is forever. I have been married to the same gorgeous eagle for twenty-five years now! If you would see us together you would notice that she is a little larger than I am—a trait I have noticed among some of your species as well… We have built a huge, sturdy nest out of sticks and it is about nine feet in diameter, weighing close to a whopping one and a half tons. (You know how much “stuff” you just accumulate through the years…) We are not the type of bird that needs a new home each spring (too much trouble flying around day-after-day, looking at different trees, cliff ledges, you know how it goes); we’re quite content with the one we have. Our Creator gave us the natural instinct to build that nest and we are grateful for His wisdom. 

If our great Creator can take care of an insignificant bird like me—though I will have you know I am at the top of the bird food chain—what wonders does He have in store for you? This definitely involves your character (the next word in our motto), something I will write about next time. Right now I am teaching little Egbert to fly….Whoops! There he goes! Gotta go! Here I come Egbert! Flappppp!!!!!!!!

Keep Flying High!
Please Don’t Be Like That

Colossians 3:13, “Forbearing one another and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also ye.

Forgiveness is a very important character trait in our lives.  Sometimes it’s hard for us to forgive when someone has hurt us in some way.  Well, if we feel that way, we should think about all the times we’ve sinned and how many times Jesus has forgiven us. He forgives us though we don’t deserve it. So we cannot say someone else doesn’t deserve to be forgiven because we don’t either.

We should be like Jesus and learn to forgive. 

For your character,

Exploring the Evidence

Genesis 1:16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser night to rule the night: he made the stars also.”

That last phrase, “…he made the stars also” –as if it was a little thing for God to create the billions of stars in the known universe.

Have you ever wondered what a star is? It is a ball of gas in outer space. Did you know the sun is really a star? It is the closest one to us. Not all stars look like the sun. Stars come in different sizes and colors. Evolutionists say our sun is ordinary—just tucked out there somewhere and forgotten. But in fact, we should be very grateful our sun is anything but ordinary!

75% of all stars are known as Red Dwarfs. If our earth revolved around one of these, we’d be destroyed from lack of warmth.  And, if our earth revolved around one of the remaining 25% of the other stars it would receive so much radiation it would fry! 

This should make us so appreciative of the fact that God placed the sun exactly where He wanted it—in perfect position so it would affect us in the most perfect way.  Another example of His great love for us! 

Keep exploring!

Historical Happenings

September was a very important month for the United States in that the U S Constitution was signed and approved on September 25, 1789. That’s a very important date for all of us.
It is said that the Constitution is the very foundation of our beloved country, but most people don’t know of the struggle we went through to ratify it.  

Article VII specified that at least 9 of the 13 colonies had to ratify the Constitution in order for it to become law; however, the framers—John Adams in particular—knew that if all 13 did not ratify the document, it would have not real power. 

The debate for the ratification—or approval for the Constitution— lasted two years and was quite a bitter debate at times.  Those who called themselves The Federalists, were in favor of strong, central government and weak state government. They had the support of many wealthy land owners, judges, lawyers, and merchants. James Madison was their leader and others such as Alexander Hamilton and George Washington strongly supported the Feds.
The Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution and included such supporters as Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Mason. Their chief complaint was that the Constitution gave power to the wealthy. By taking power away from the states it would ultimately take power from the people. 

The turning point came when the Feds agreed to a Bill of Rights—a list of guaranteed personal freedoms, which helped to calm the fears of those opposed the Constitution.
The Constitution was ratified in 1788 and became the law of this great land early in 1789.
Men gave the great contributions of their thoughts, time, and money during the long process, which should make us appreciate this priceless document.

In closing—a quote from Abraham Lincoln,

“Study the constitution! Let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislature and enforced in courts of justice.”

We the students,
Justin and Marcus


Shayna Says…

I have a lot of catching up to do! Mrs. Bryant stopped by one day a week or so ago and brought us a bunch of their little baby chicks to see—absolutely adorable!!

We had a great 25th church anniversary weekend—a big adult fancy dinner on Friday evening the 20th, and a great day of fun and food on the 21st. Bro. Salvator smoked a whole quarter hide of a cow for us—ummmmmm! Dr. Bernie planned tons of fun games for the kids, including a game that involved putting an Oreo on your head and getting it into your mouth without using your hands! Any game has to be good if Oreos are involved!

 We ended the night with a big bonfire, and a lot of us brought our instruments, so we sang the night away! Then, the next day was Anniversary Sunday and it was wonderful! We had soooo many visitors and our town supervisor came and actually presented a proclamation which said that from now on, September 22 would be Long Island Baptist Church Day! We all felt proud in a good way☺.

On the 29th, a week later, all the kids in grades 7 and up headed off to camp with Pastor, Mrs. G, and Billy. I just have to write and tell you all about that next time—from howling at the coyotes around the campfire each night to horseback riding adventures—it was an awesome trip! 

Keeping you posted!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Volume I, Issue I

Cliff Notes Contributors:
  • Cliff- “Musings from the Mascot”
  • Haley Akl-“Don’t Be Like that!”
  • Jonathan Akl-“Exploring the Evidence”
  • Justin and Marcus Rivera-“Great Moments in History”
  • Noel Rivera-“What’s Cookin’?”
  • Shayna Sengstock-“Shayna says…”
  • Annisa Worrell-“Good Sports”
  • Brianna Pratnicki-Staff Photographer
  • Ben Bryant-Asst. Photographer, also, “The Adventures of Mr. Bones”

Musings from the Mascot
From where I sit-way above you perched in a huge nest my wife and I built years ago-the world looks quite different from the world as you may see it.
One day, just before I was about to swoop down on my breakfast I looked and saw all of you climbing the steps of small, yellow buses and piling into cars with your parents. It was then I knew school had started once more.
The first thing I quickly noticed was how much you’ve grown over the summer and how so many of you have changed. Some of you were just shy, quiet kids at the end of the last school year, but it seems like you have gained some confidence! Good for you! Others of you seem so grown up, so much more mature and ready for all the adventures ahead. I like to see that! Maybe you didn’t notice the changes. You were too busy chasing down the ice cream man, swimming in your pools and riding your bikes. You were too busy enjoying those carefree days and being home with your families.
But I like what I see in you now... (By the way-with my excellent eyesight I noticed those new uniforms-sweet!!)I see you are bright and beautiful and full of spirit and life! You will look back on these school days someday, as some of the best days of your life! So love your life! Take it from someone who knows-there is no next time-it’s now or never!!!
Keep flying high!
The Girls on the first day of school

Our first bagel morning

♥ Emily and Maddi ♥

Shayna, Haley, and Gracie on the fist day of school

All the big boys

Bro. Greer bought us all doughnuts on the first day of school

The whole high school class in our new uniforms
Great American Moments
Hi everyone, it’s Marcus and Justin and we love history! Our goal is to take you on a weekly journey as we discover exciting and important events throughout American History. We want to do this through the eyes of our Founding Fathers by using accurate information provided by historical documents and primary sources. Two of the most priceless documents within which American liberties are stated are the Declaration of Independence and the United States’ Constitution. We are aware of what most kids are not being taught in the average American history class today. We promise you we will stick to the facts and answer questions like: Why did the Pilgrims come to America? What is the importance of the Second Amendment? Why did the founding Fathers see the need to separate from Great Britain?
We hope you will join us as we discover what made this nation great and how we, as heirs to this great heritage can keep it free.
We the Students-
Justin and Marcus

Exploring the Evidence
(Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”) This is the first verse of the Bible which explains the first creation (the heaven and earth). We should believe in creation, not only because it confirms scientific evidence, but because there is a God and we should put our faith and trust in Him.
 God reveals Himself to us in three ways: (1) In the Bible (2) Saved man (3) His creation
From the complexity of the cell to the vastness of the universe, God shows His power. The deeper you look into a microscope, and the deeper you look into a telescope, you can see the power of God. God has given us all these wonderful things to look at so we can see His beauty. (Romans 1:20 “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse).
Keep Exploring!
Good Sports
Good sportsmanship shows you have good, strong character. Never get angry or upset when someone wins. You should, in fact, be the first one to congratulate them. Whether we are talking about sports, or other things, like when something really great happens to someone-we should show our support for them.
Having good sportsmanship shows that you aren’t upset about losing, but rather, that you tried your best.
Also, don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. You be a shining star! Give it your best! Show that you’re not afraid. Keep calm during the game, be a good role model and most of all-be a good sport!

Keep on Playin’!
Shayna Says…
Well, we’re really off to a good start this school year and let me tell you some of the interesting and exciting things we’ve been up to already!
We are in the middle of a very interesting experiment. It seems there is a man who did some experiments of the power of words. He did his experiments with water, rice and words. (Our words, the Bible tells us can be used for good or evil.) So we decided to try the experiment ourselves. We took two empty jars and filled them about a quarter of the way with rice. Then, we added water just to cover the rice. On one jar, we attached a label which said, “I love you”, and on the other jar we attached a label which said, “I hate you”. Now every day, whenever the students pass by the jars-we are to speak words of kindness and love to the “I love you” jar, and unkind, thoughtless words to the other. At the time of this writing, we’ve only been doing the experiment a little over two weeks and you will not believe the results! (See pics!)
We’re all into volleyball now-which is a lot of fun for all of us!  And we have a great new history teacher-Bro. Fryman! There’s gym, Kids’ Choir, Ensemble, Art and Bible class with Pastor-not to mention all of the great things that just pop up on a regular basis!
Well, that’s all for now! Thanks for reading!
Keeping you Posted!
Mrs. Graf introducing out first experiment of the year!
Week 1 ~

Week 2 ~ This jar was the ''I hate you jar''

the jar was the '' I love you jar''

Week 3 ~


What’s Cookin’?

Hello everyone and welcome to, “What’s Cookin’?” My column is all about classic comfort food and how to do it right. I started cooking when I was about eight years old. I loved to be in the kitchen with my parents or grandmother, so most of what I’ve learned I’ve learned from them. And even if I do say so myself, I can turn out some pretty good dishes. So, with every issue of Cliff Notes, I’ll bring you a dish you can try for yourself. Also, I’d love to hear feedback from you if you try any of my recipes.
This first recipe will be perfect for the cool fall weather ahead! ~ Noel

Chicken Franchaise with Pasta Alfredo
What you’ll need for the chicken:
  • 6 boneless chicken breasts
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 Tbls parmesan cheese
  • 1 Tbs salt
  • 2-Tbs garlic powder
  • 1 Tbs pepper
  • Seasoned salt (optional)
  • What you’ll need for the sauce:
  • Butter
  • Milk
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Flour
How to:
Slice the chicken in half evenly. Rinse the chicken-and put it in a bowl. Season it with garlic powder, salt and pepper and a bit of the seasoned salt. Whisk 4 eggs together and-here’s the kicker-throw in a nice helping of Parmesan cheese. Pour oil in pan to cover bottom and set it on medium high. Dip chicken in flour-shaking off excess flour and dip into egg mixture. Carefully place chicken in pan and cook app. 3-4 minutes per side-til golden brown.
While chicken is cooking, melt one stick of butter, add the juice from half a lemon-whisk in ¼ cup flour. Add one cup chicken stock and stir til thickened. 
Bring a lot pot of water to a boil. Add 1 Tbs oil and ½ tsp of salt to water. Add your choice of pasta-when al dente-let cool for about 6-10 minutes. In a large sauce pan melt ½ stick butter. Add 3 cups milk, 2 cups of mozzarella, 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese. Whisk in a little flour to thicken. When thick, pour it over pasta.
Place chicken on plate with lemon sauce-serve pasta on side.  

Please Don’t Be Like That!
Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are
ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.”
In this series of “Please don’t be Like That!” we will be discussing the poor character traits that we should keep out of our lives.  Instead we should seek to apply good character traits to our lives and seek to do right in everything. I hope you will enjoy this series as we discover together those character traits which would be pleasing to the Lord. And remember…”The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” Psalm 37:23
Yours for Good Character,

The Adventures of Mr. Bones by Ben Bryant
Mr. Bones washing his hands... er... I mean his phalanges.